Welcome to our blog! My name is Molly - I am a gray striped cat and this is my world. I have help. Trina usually handles the heavy stuff - you know - the computer and postage and things that are really beneath my position. My position is Shop Cat. Top Cat. Queen of my World. You get the picture. And of course there is Chris - who handles finding lost books and shelving the new ones and keeping my large library of music CDs in order. And Naomi who handles all the things that Trina and Chris don't get done. So really, I have a great crew. I have to crack the whip from time to time but as long as I get my 3 naps a day - I can't really complain.
We are a busy place and with all the new arrivals and packing and shipping the internet orders well it keeps a girl on her toes.
We have all kinds of books, antique, romance, fiction, literature, music, the classics, literature, mystery, religion, self help, science fiction, biography, travel, nature, cooking, comic books, a whole children's area, art, and a few others that I will let you come by to find. A girl can't give away all her secrets on the first date!
We also keep busy with artisan jewelry made with cosmic stones (sometimes I sleep on them and WOW what dreams), local artists bring in their artwork for my opinions and we sell in the shop too. Then there are the seasonal items - holiday decorations throughout the year and artwork hung high on the walls (after all what is blank space for?) teddy bears and collectible finds. Our gifts and collectibles change with my moods - so you must stop by and check them out.
When I am not working my buns off you can find me on my green tartan in one of the chairs at the round oak table at the front of the store. It is my office really. It is where I meet with my people, do lunch, have parties and do my planning. You can't miss it when you come in. Be sure and stop by and let me know what you are looking for - if we don't have it today - Trina can probably find it for you.
We have monthly specials - and I will start listing those for you here so keep checking in!
Well, looking at the clock on the wall - I see it is nap time so this is Molly, signing off with a purr and a paw until next time I leave you with one of my favorite quoations.
- Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.
- Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957)